Sunday, 2 October 2011

- Responding to Acting Workshop .

Dan Libman's acting workshop was a great introduction to the concept of acting 'objectives'. Since i was chosen to be an example during the workshop, i think i had a bit of a different experience with the concept. It was interesting to have the comparison between being directed by Dan versus being directed by Ms. McCarthy. When working with Dan, theres alot more telling exactly what to do and how to do it, rather than allowing yourself to explore how your character would achieve its objective overall. In my perspective , there's benefits to both styles. I found it almost distracting having Dan's voice echoing as the scene progressed, and i found myself responding to his voice, rather than allowing myself to become engaged in the scene. His insight regarding the greater objective was interesting to hear. Reflecting on just about any aspect of life, the objective concept does apply. We switch how we plan to achieve it, though the overall goal stays the same. I think he could've gone into alot more detail about overall objectives vs. scene objectives ect. But the general overview of the concept was beneficial to always consider when taking on a new character. It was really interesting to notice that when reading a script, that the assumption of stage directions can often overpower what the scene is actually trying to portray. It will definitely allow me to consider a script for its raw value rather than assuming what is intended.

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