Sunday, 29 January 2012

- PPP : Possible Story-line .

·         Setting is established in a Roman Catholic Cathedral, time of international crisis where faith is all that’s left.
o   A real sense of community is reinforced, at the same time made clear that everyone is struggling.
·         A communist dictator (character must being appealing to audience) comes into power overthrowing the current democracy gaining the support of the people offering a simple solution to the complex problems the world has brought on
o   The conversion to communism offers hope to the people of the church, shining a new light on the future.
o   The catholic religion was used for scapegoating, blaming Jesus Christ for not saving his people by now
·         Ordering the abolition of religion, the dictator assigns a group to tear down all evidence of religion.
o   Planning on tearing down the building of Hagia Sophia in hopes of removing the presence of God in the town, the dictator overrules the plans and claims the stripped building as headquarters.
o   Head of the group assigned attempted to object the idea of keeping the building standing, fearing that the building has too much symbolism in its architecture.
§  SPOLIA: the building was made up of other religious artifacts as well
o   To install fear into the citizens, the dictator orders the public execution of the rebel, reinforcing to the citizens that the absence of religion is a demand, and for the better.
·         Meanwhile, person A tries to rally up the Catholics, trying to keep their religion alive but the recent installment of fear left them even more doubtful than before.
·         As the dictator continued to enforce communism, and eliminate religion, more and more people began disappearing, including the daughter of Person A, who attempted to tell a school-boy who God was to her.
·         The spirits that still exist within the building of Hagia Sophia begin taunting the dictator, heightening his paranoia allowing for him to begin second guessing all he’s done to the city.
·         Person A, who is now alone in her attempt to keep God alive, goes to town square to protest the abolition of religion
o   People initially act in ignorance, in fear of the dictator seeing them as a part of the rally
o   People came from apartments, stores, everywhere to see the commotion, all helping them remember what they believed in and why they believed in it
o   Person A is killed by the dictators army
·         The prosecution of person A was the last straw for the dictator. Now possessed by the spirits within Hagia Sophia, he burns down the building with himself in it showing the death of communism.
o   And from its ashes, Catholicity will rise once again as the funeral for person A is held by the citizens on the grounds of the burnt cathedral.
·         The church is rebuild on the grounds, with the central dome built higher, closer to God and heaven once the community had regained their faith.

- Chinese Red String of Fate .

Kiefer Sutherland appeared on Ellen to promote the new TV series "Touch". In the explanation of the premise of the show,  he talked about an ancient Chinese fable called the Red Thread Theory:
"Everybody who is supposed to come into contact with each other in the course of a lifetime is connected by a red thread that's loosely wrapped around their ankle and the thread can stretch and it can bend but you cant break it. And somehow through the industrial revolution, through our technological revolution, we've broken that thread and my son is using me to try and reconnect all the little pieces."
Similar to the concept of soulmates, it's said that the two people connected are destined lovers regardless of any possible conflicts.

Monday, 23 January 2012

- PPP : Organizing Ideas .


- PPP: A Second Look at Hagia Sophia .

The building:

  • On MAY 7TH, 588, the dome collapsed on the alter, the ambom, and the ciborium
    • Collapsing on the alter foreshadowed the collapsing of the Catholic presence in Constantinople
  • The dome was elevated by 6.25 meters when rebuilt
  • First Muslim to pray in Hagia Sophia would goto paradise
    • Similar to crawling under the wooden pillar in Todaiji Temple in Japan
  • The original church was rumored to be destroyed by Constantinus II, because it was too small
  • Destroyed by riots in January 532 and rebuilt bigger and more prestigious by 537
  •  Sultan Mehmet II overtook the church and converted it into a mosque, where he centerd his empire
  • Constructed primarily of spolia:
    • columns, stones, and fragments ect. from conquered nations

- PPP : Choosing the Stimulus .

After thorough consideration between the Vitruvian Man and Hagia Sophia, I decided on Hagia Sophia because of the depth within the two contrasting religions, as well as more potential within the ideas that came out of the first impression. Though the Vitruvian Man holds immense mystery, my favorite ideas from the image are rather shallow.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

- PPP: Exploring Stimuli , part 1 .

Hagia Sophia

First Impression

·         Does God truly exist within a certain building, or do you bring “him” there
·         Raw religion
o   Stripped to nothing during conversion
o   Superficiality of the church
·         Interaction between a person from each religion during church conversion
o   Possible religion conversion?
o   Realization of decentralized powers
o   Creation of a whole new “church”
·         Rebuilt higher, closer to “heaven”
o   After religious doubt, grow closer all together once rebuilt
·         Existing “voices” from previous religion
o   Could the voices from the old religion combine with them of the new?

Looking into More Depth

                Hagia Sophia was built in Istanbul in 360 meaning “Holy Wisdom”. Initially, it served as an Orthodox Patriarchal Basilica, where it was then converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral, and later a mosque.

Heightened Curiosity

·          Made of Ashlar: symbolic of …?
·         Similar and differences beliefs between religions
o   Could a new religion be made out of similarities?

Vitruvian Man

First Impression

·         Centered
o   Naval is the first and last connection with mothers
§  Family at core
§  Maternal instinct
o   What about people without navels
§  Demonized
§  Unbalanced
§  “crazy”
·         2 people overlapping
o   Man vs. woman
§  Common characteristic exists at centre
·         No difference of sexes because their ultimately centred together
§  Man stands in front of woman, woman reaches higher
·         Untold story of the hidden woman
·         Section above head
o   Heaven?
§  Man is centred with space above his head
·         Thought capacity
·         Is it truly centred for those who do not believe in religion?

Looking into More Depth

                Created in 1487 by Leonardo Da Vinci, the Vitruvian Man is based off of the ideal proportions of man describe by Vitruvius. It showed a direct relation between proportional art and scientific nature. He believed that the Vitruvian man was to be an analogy for the workings of the universe.

Heightened Curiosity

·          What was happening in Italian society circa its creation
·         What led to da Vinci’s obsession with proportion?
o   “Perfect Circle” insanity theory

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

- Oh, The Places You'll Go .

by: Dr. Seus
You will come to a place
Where the streets are not marked.
Some windows are lighted.
But mostly they're darked.

A place you could sprain both
Your elbow and chin!

"Do you dare to stay out?
Do you dare to go in?"

"You can get so confused
That you'll start in to race down
Long wiggled roads at a break-
Necking pace..."
And grind on for miles across
Weirdish wild space, headed, I fear,
Toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place.

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go.
Or a bus to come, or a plane to go
Or the mail to come, or the rain to go
Or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
Or waiting around for a Yes or No
Or waiting for their hair to grow.
"Everyone is just waiting."

Waiting for the fish to bite
Or waiting for wind to fly a kite
Or waiting around for Friday night
Or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
Or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
Or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
Or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.


That's not for you!  Somehow you'll
Escape all that waiting and staying.
"You'll find the bright places where
Boom Bands are playing."


"I'm afraid that some times you'll
play lonely games too."
Games you can't win
'cause you'll play against you.

All Alone, whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something you'll be quite a lot.

And when you're alone, there's a
very good chance you'll meet things
that scare you right out of your pants.

"There are some, down the road
between hither and yon, that can scare
you so much you won't want to go on."

But on you will go though the weather
be foul.  On you will go though your
enemies prowl.  On you will go though
the Hakken-Kraks howl.  Onward
up many a frightening creek,
though your arms may get sore
and your sneakers may leak.
On and on you will hike.
And I know you'll hike far and
face up to your problems
whatever they are.

You'll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
"You'll get mixed up with many
strange birds as you go."